Cloning a table with parts in it

Hey im looking for a way to clone a table that has a bunch of apples in it from Replicated Storage to workspace but i cant find a way to clone them so ive only cloned one apple to work can anyone help?

for more detail, i have a folder in Replicated storage and in that folder i have a bunch of apples in it. Originally i wanted to clone the whole folder and add it to workspace but ran into issues, so i gave up and only cloned one. Can anyone help me clone evreything in the folder and make it do what i have this one Apple do?

I also renamed the AppleClone to Apple1 so it would be diffrent so i can clone it because every other fruit in the folder is called apple

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Apple = RS.AppleTreeFruits.GoldenApple1
local AppleTree = game.Workspace.AppleTree
local AppleClone = Apple:Clone()


local function CloneFunction()
	Apple.Parent = workspace.AppleTree.Fruits
	Apple.Handle.Anchored = true
	local function PlayerTouched(Part)
		local Parent = Part.Parent
		if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Parent) then
			Apple.Handle.Anchored = false
	--wait(5)  -- Testing wait -- 
	Apple.Handle.Anchored = false
	local Pickedup = false
while Apple.Parent == workspace do
	--wait(3) -- Testing wait --
	Pickedup = false
		if Apple.Parent ~= workspace then
			Pickedup = true
		return end

You can use a for loop to iterate all the apples and clone them.

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Use table.clone(t:{})


local fruits = {"Apple","Mango"}

local fruits2 = table.clone(fruits)
print(fruits2,fruits) -- Would print {[1] = "Apple", [2] = "Mango"}, {[1] = "Apple", [2] = "Mango"}
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What exactly do you want, I can’t understand sorry

I basically took your code and put it in for loop
for it to work (maybe) you have to put a table with objects in it (you can just do “path:GetChildren()”)

Since you said that it is in replicated storage, then put a path to folder in replicated storage and add :GetChildren()
And it should work
Would have to :Clone() apple since all apples will by time end

You said you want clone a table but you clone apples so I cant really know xd

for index, Apple in pairs(Put a table in here) do
	Apple.Parent = workspace.AppleTree.Fruits
	Apple.Handle.Anchored = true
	local function PlayerTouched(Part)
		local Parent = Part.Parent
		if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Parent) then
			Apple.Handle.Anchored = false
	--wait(5)  -- Testing wait -- 
	Apple.Handle.Anchored = false
	local Pickedup = false
while Apple.Parent == workspace do
	--wait(3) -- Testing wait --
	Pickedup = false
		if Apple.Parent ~= workspace then
			Pickedup = true
		return end
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yeah i only cloned apple so i can get the code to work. but i couldnt clone a table so i just made one apple work so i can make every other fruit in the Replicated folder work (i made one apple work just to pass the time and so i would have the outline of what i wanted to do with everything in the folder

if it cloning 1 apple and working, just do it for every apple with for loop?

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