Cloning an Image Label in another frame

Hi devs, I was trying to make a select sword GUI, so I did a script if you click on a sword, it show its infos and if you click equip it should take the imagelabel of the sword and cloning it in the inventory frame, how can I do this? I tried with ImageLabel:Clone() and changing his parent to the inventory frame but it is not working, how can I do this? Thank you.

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Show us your code please, it will helps us to help you



script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Sword1.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Backpack.Slot1


Maybe I did a stupid thing

First thing to know, Guis should be parented to PlayerGui if it is a ScreenGui. Something like Billboard or SurfaceGui should be parented to a part. Instead of parenting it to the Backpack, change it with PlayerGui and try again

There are not Billboards, it is a screengui

That’s it, ScreenGui should be parented to PlayerGui

And? What do I need to do? I was changing the ImageLabel parent.

script.Parent.Parent.Image:Clone().Parent = THE_LOCATION

imageLabel:Clone().Parent = NewFrame -- Replace image label with the real label and replace newframe with the real frame.

Try this code:

local button = script.Parent

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer


button.Parent.Image:Clone().Parent = player.PlayerGui.Slot1


It is not working for me, and there is nothing in the output

i will never be able to do a correcte code bloc quote, damn

show us the hierarchiy of the explorer

Nothing seems working, I tried your script and this is the output error:

Players.LuigiMinecraft03.PlayerGui.Backpack.MainMenu.All.AllMenu.Sword1.TextButton.Script:7: attempt to call a nil value

So what you want to clone is the imagelabel named Sword1?

Yes that’s what I want to do, cloning it into Slot1 frame

Alright, with the hierarchy it is a bit more clear thanks, wait a min.

Alright, here we go, i think i did no mistake:

local button = script.Parent
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer


button.Parent:Clone().Parent = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild(“Backpack”):WaitForChild(“Backpack”).Inventory.Slot1


Players.LuigiMinecraft03.PlayerGui.Backpack.MainMenu.All.AllMenu.Sword1.TextButton.Script:6: attempt to index nil with ‘PlayerGui’