Cloning in studio is different from in game

Trying to clone a player’s character into a ViewportFrame. Works good in Studio but when I test in real game, the character is just a dummy.
In game:
Here’s a part of the script:

local viewport = frame.ViewportFrame
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded()

local character = player.Character
character.Archivable = true

local clone = character:Clone()
clone.Parent = viewport.WorldModel

There are no errors. Any help is appreciated.

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Could you tell us what is frame.ViewportFrame

Is it a Gui?

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Where is this script located can you tell?

Local script, in a Gui which is the parent of frame

k lemme type the script on my own and check.

I think the problem is your character was not loaded.
Try adding a wait(2)

I know you have a game:IsLoaded.

Edit : I’m telling this because my character was not fully loaded and didn’t have the face decal and a torso.
It cloned in the same way.