Cloning issues for models in replicated storage subfolder

I need help on how I can clone the “Server Reset” model from SpecialCases folder in replicated storage and set its parent to workspace. for some reason it won’t clone at all and I have no clue why. Here’s the code that’s having trouble:

while true do



local restrictarea = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SpecialCases

local rocket = restrictarea["Rocket Launcher"]

local pistol = restrictarea.Pistol

local items = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Items

local sreset = restrictarea["Server Reset"]

pistol.Parent = items

rocket.Parent = items

print("Weapons have been placed into client access (items)")


local clone = sreset:Clone()

clone.Parent = workspace.Base.ItemHolder

clone.Name = "Scheduled Reset"



pistol.Parent = restrictarea

rocket.Parent = restrictarea

print("Weapons have been restricted, server has reset")


if anyone knows how to solve the issue, please do tell. Thank you
edit: If you need to have a screenshot of the explorer, here it is:

Just a question, abit new here, maybe might be able help but first need to understand, did you make your Server Reset in workspace first and then moved it to ReplicatedStorage? or you want that Server Reset to go to a certain location or position?

The server reset is in replicated storage like you see in the screenshot. It needs to be cloned to the Base model in workspace in the ItemHolder folder

Im getting the model into the folder, then the model destorys. Script working like it should on my side.