I need help on how I can clone the “Server Reset” model from SpecialCases folder in replicated storage and set its parent to workspace. for some reason it won’t clone at all and I have no clue why. Here’s the code that’s having trouble:
while true do
local restrictarea = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SpecialCases
local rocket = restrictarea["Rocket Launcher"]
local pistol = restrictarea.Pistol
local items = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Items
local sreset = restrictarea["Server Reset"]
pistol.Parent = items
rocket.Parent = items
print("Weapons have been placed into client access (items)")
local clone = sreset:Clone()
clone.Parent = workspace.Base.ItemHolder
clone.Name = "Scheduled Reset"
pistol.Parent = restrictarea
rocket.Parent = restrictarea
print("Weapons have been restricted, server has reset")
if anyone knows how to solve the issue, please do tell. Thank you
edit: If you need to have a screenshot of the explorer, here it is: