Cloning Lighting class by accident

Weeks ago I discovered I can duplicate the Lighting class using copy and paste instead of Ctrl + D

So, thats really annoying because classes like Lighting cannot be duplicate and well if you do this ,the duplicated one can’t be deleted and you need to restart the world to delete them

Expected behavior

Trying to delete the duplicated lighting but I can’t do that so you need to restart all your work

If you need a better workaround for this, you can set the unwanted Lighting’s Archivable property to false, and it won’t be saved the next time the place is serialized (either Team Create server shutdown or Save of a non-Team Create place).

Should I apply archivable to the cloned Lighting??
I don’t think about that but I guess we can fix the lighting

Setting Archivable = false on something tells the engine “this is temporary, do not save it”. It is normally used by plugins when creating temporary Instances that the plugin does not want being accidentally saved into the file.

So, do that for the Lighting which you want to go away.

Ok see you better than me , next time

Is being able to duplicate it expected behavior? Or is this something that is going to be fixed?

It’s a special case for Lighting, SoundService, and Teams specifically, to support some weird legacy stuff.

The issue isn’t that you can duplicate it, but rather that you can’t delete the duplicate.

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That makes much more sense, thanks!