Cloning numvalue to Humanoid

I am trying to make a blocking dummy for my game, with my blocking system, once the blockvalue becomes 0 the numvalue is deleted, i am trying to detect if it is deleted and clone one back into the dummys humanoid, if I could get some tips I would appreciate it

local block = game.Workspace.BlockingDummy.Humanoid:FindFirstChild("blockAction") --finds block value in dummy
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage") 
local blockAction = ServerStorage:FindFirstChild("blockAction") -- finds the blockvalue in serverstorage for cloning in future
local Hum = game.Workspace.BlockingDummy.Humanoid
	if block == nil then
		blockAction.Parent = Hum

I think I understand your question:

  • When a NumberValue is removed from something, clone the NumberValue and add it back in?

How you could do that:

  • Connect to the ChildRemoved event of the humanoid
  • Use ChildRemoved’s parameter child to reference the removed NumberValue
    • (Make sure to check if it’s the correct child being removed, not something else)
  • Clone child and parent it back to the instance

Code example:

local humanoid -- Set to Humanoid or something
local numValueName  -- Set to the name of the NumberValue

    if (child:IsA("NumberValue") and child.Name == numValueName) then
        local new = child:Clone()
        -- Maybe change some properties here or something
        new.Parent = humanoid


Whoops! My bad, that should and not &&. Nice catch. I edited the code to fix that.

You got exactly what I was looking for, thank you

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Double ampersand isn’t a valid Luau operator.

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