So I’m trying to make it so that if the are alot of players in the game there will be more parts but they need to be in a rigth position but it says the error “color is not a valid member of game.Workspace.PlatesFolder.Row2” its weird becouse when I do this in the script in i,v loop and there I check if the v.Name == “line” so if I do v.Parent it should refer to the plater now the row look heres a picture of the error the workspace and the script! please help me!
Maybe it’s because you use " v " too much to define things. I’ve had the same with another script i made this evening.
for i, house in pairs(game:GetChildren)) do
if house.Name == "house" then
for i, child in pairs(house:Getchildren)) do
It will get the names of the children inside " house" and inside " child"
I’m not quite sure so don’t take my word for it, but maybe it just looks at something else?
instead of the thing you’re trying to color
You’re trying to change the color of a model. Try changing the color of the parts inside of it instead.
i’ve already tried it and it did not change
but I’m trying to refer to the part but for some reason its saying model
I was typing out new code then I realized the issue after all that time.
local otherColorPart = platesFolder:FindFirstChild("Row".. tostring(colorRowToSearch))
This is referring to a row model, and according to the code it the model Row2. Row2 being a model has no Color value to check, so you need to get the Plates inside of that model.
Something silimar to v.Parent.Color = otherColorPart.Plate.Color
“otherColorPart” is a model in the PlatesFolder, for example Row2 which is a model. You’re trying to get the color of that model which results in an error(because models don’t have a Color value)
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