Rather then cloning the hitbox, it just parents the one in the folder to the player, why is this?
This is the code where the cloning occurs:
It’s a server script
local char = NewPlayer.Character or NewPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local hrp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local hitbox = game.Workspace.Hitbox.Part
local hitboxClone = hitbox:Clone()
hitboxClone.Parent = char
local weld = Instance.new("Motor6D")
weld.Parent = hrp
weld.Part0 = hitboxClone
weld.Part1 = hrp
hitboxClone.Script.Enabled = true
Is it because you’re declaring hitbox
as “Hitbox.Part” rather than just “Hitbox”?
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I have no idea if that’s the issue, but I fixed it by just moving the hitbox folder as a child of the script, and changed my code to this:
local char = NewPlayer.Character or NewPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local hrp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local HitboxFold = script:WaitForChild("Hitbox")
local hitboxClone = HitboxFold:WaitForChild("Part"):Clone()
hitboxClone.Parent = char
local weld = Instance.new("Motor6D")
weld.Parent = hrp
weld.Part0 = hitboxClone
weld.Part1 = hrp
hitboxClone.Script.Enabled = true
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