Hi there! We are two developers who works on a simulator game. I need a experienced map builder for my project. I don’t wanna talk about game itself but i will give you a template so you can understand what kind map i need.
We are looking for a professional builder to build a colorful, good looking simulator map. We expect high quality builds that adhere to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated. I will check your progress daily. I need SciFi -ish style map. Walls should be force field with a fancy animation. There should be 4 different biomes for the mobs. I want a flat map like a usual simulator map. One shop in the safe zone and charging devices. We will discuss all the details as we move on.
I will not accept any object from toolbox. It should be original.
I’m paying 10k+ R$ for the map. If your reference is good I can increase the fee. My preferred payment method is Robux. You will get your robux directly from GeldiBaskan.
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord : Bozkurt’I#1453 (He is a moderator of GeldiBaskan)
You must be 13 years or older to apply.