[CLOSED] [$100 USD / Map] Harbor Havoc is Hiring Map Developer(s)

:wave: Hello members of the Roblox community, Harbor Havoc is currently looking for a talented Map Designer to create maps for our game.
:world_map: If you’re skilled in designing and developing environments and architecture in ROBLOX Studio or Other Modeling Applications – we want you!

Requirements Label
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Ability to design, plan and lay out organized maps optimized for player experience.
:hammer_and_wrench: Ability to create high quality structures and environments for use in an optimized game environment.
:alarm_clock: Strong communication and time management skills.
:iphone: Ability to ensure all aspects of the map are high quality, fit within the desired art style, and have an acceptable level of performance across PC, Mobile and Console platforms.

The Job Label
:bookmark_tabs: For each map, you will work with our team to turn ideas and sketches into finished maps that players fall in love with!

:information_source: All maps in Harbor Havoc follow a basic “island” layout format:

Maps are symmetrical and reflect across the middle of the map to ensure game-balance.

Each unique color in the image above represents a unique “island” that you will be responsible for creating within each map (there are 3).
These islands are small but require attention to layout, optimization and organization as it will impact gameplay.

Island Color Guide

[Red Dot] Home-Base (Oceanside Station)
Features Include:

  • Spawn Building(s)
  • Air Strips
  • Docks
  • Lookout Towers

[Green Dot] Checkpoint Island (Small Island)
Features Include:

  • Capturable Structure (e.g. Flag, Totem)
  • Spawn Building(s)
  • Air Strip
  • Dock
  • Lookout Tower(s)

[Orange Dot] Center Island (Large Island)
Features Include:

  • Capturable Structure (e.g. Flag, Totem)
  • Spawn Building(s)
  • Air Strip
  • Dock
  • Lookout Tower(s)

:gear: All map features will be created in a low-poly format with the use of Roblox materials.
:paintbrush: Stylization of the maps will follow a tropical, cartoony take on militaristic design.
:crossed_swords: Maps will be implemented in a fast paced combat-oriented game and need to have gameplay-optimized layouts for accessibility.

Payment Label
:moneybag: The budget per map is currently $100 USD.
:arrow_upper_right: You will be paid as you complete maps in a commission-based fashion.
:dollar: All prices listed are in USD and will be paid out via PayPal.

How To Apply Label
:email: If you’re interested and think you meet the requirements, DM me (@Life_Blox) with your portfolio and timezone, and I’ll get back to you when I get the chance.


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