[Closed] [200K+] Hiring a builder for a realistic replica of Apple’s Steve Jobs theatre



I’m looking to hire a builder to create a detailed, accurate replica of Apple’s Steve Jobs Theatre.


This venue will be used to host virtual press events and keynotes for my game.

It should be highly accurate with a complete exterior, upstairs level, downstairs level, elevator (I’ll script it) and stair option to get downstairs, and the entrance to theatre should be from the downstairs level. It should also have a functioning backstage area with a lounge and meeting room, and there should be a stage door outside the venue which it can be accessed from.

I’ve got some set requirements, but some of it is up for you to decide.
Seats in venue: 60-120 people
Stage length: At least 30 studs wide
Backstage capacity: Should be intricate and able to have around 8 people navigate comfortably

Very realistic. I can supply images of other Roblox builds that have a realistic style I like via Discord. Should also be somewhat optimized.

Floor Plan and other reference images

Floor Plan


Stairs Going Down

Elevator Going Down


Hallway into Venue (Downstairs)

Interior of Venue (Downstairs)

I’ll be paying upwards of 100K, ranging up to 250K based on the final product. This is fairly negotiable and can be done in private messages.

If you’re interested, please send me a message via the DevForum. This message should contain the following:
• Your discord username and tag
• Your portfolio

Thank you for reading, and I can’t wait to work with you.

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