[CLOSED] 20K Group Payout | Thumbnail & Icon | Tower Defenders

Hello fellow developers! I’m the founder & owner of Dreamers, and solo-developer of Tower Defenders. A pre-alpha tower defense game that’s made it to the front page several times and hit #4 on Top Rated. :grin:

The Job

I am looking to commission an artist for a fully rendered scene with a cinematic feel to it, a character/characters posing, pre-clash shot, the boss posing, etc. These are some ideas to throw out there but I am sure I would be pleased with almost anything. This will be for a thumbnail. And an Icon must be included, either with a different pose or a different camera angle.

I have models ready for the rigging and rendering if you need them.

  • The style is realism, detailed, good lighting, particles from debris or spells, etc. Medium-High Quality, 1k-2k res.

  • The theme is heroic, battle, actiony. With serious or intimidating undertones, i.e. a menacing spectral knight poised ready to attack and annihilate its opposition. A dragon roaring away or at the camera. Two characters or more readying/leaping in to clash into an epic and collateral battle.

  • The setting is a medieval fantasy world, dragons, magic, ethereal, other-worldly, and demonic evils all exist. Early stages of gunpowder, monarchies, warring clans, and war-torn regions.

  • The genre is RPG, Fantasy, Tower Defense, Strategy

Image References
Note: These images are references for poses and viewpoints mostly, I understand the quality and price differences.

Kidveggito, Thumbnail commissioned for Tower Defenders

Kidveggito, Icon commissioned for Tower Defenders




Asasthenes 1

Asasthenes 2

Asasthenes 3

Payment & Scheduling

  • 20K Robux, Group Payout

  • Negotiable

  • Schedule flexible, deadline less than two weeks.

I would be happy to discuss scheduling, business, and any further information or questions you have about the job on any of the handles below.


  • My Discord Tag: Joey#5758 :link:

  • My Roblox Profile :link:

  • Dreamers Discord Link: Jthj8Mp :link:

  • Dreamers Group :link:

Thank you for reading, happy developing! :wave:


Are you able to do paypal or is it just 20k through a group?


Added you on discord, interested!


I’m interested, Added you on discord!


Added on discord. Looks interesting and something i’d like to work for.


I can do PayPal if necessary, but I would much rather do group payout.

I’d highly suggest checking out @Nalzio’s work ! Looks like a job he’d do great at.


Added you on discord, sir. I am interested. :smiley:

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