CLOSED! 2D Drawings | KxraDraws

Got a christmas/holiday update for your game? Need a new look for your channel? Consider purchasing some new art for it!

Thanks for the support!

I would love to order from you, but I am broke at the moment.

But I am thinking about buying, I couldn’t find your discord. Can you DM Me
Aqusteus#0001, I found you since you made 2 of my friends logo and they are amazing.

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Commissions will be closing to the public starting the 21st of December and might be closed for all of 2020 so if you’d like the purchase some art now this is the best time!

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Last week to purchase a commission!!!


What are average prices for commissions?


Commissions are officially closing to the public tomorrow!!


Commissions are now open for ONE DAY ONLY! Then they will be closed to the public forever. Purchase now!!

With all honesty I was interested in purchasing a commission but due to many people talking about “your bad service” I have changed my mind.


Totally understandable, thanks a bunch for your consideration!

Hey, by any chance are your commissions still open?

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Your Discord doesn’t seem to working, can you add me instead?


Pricing as gone down & commissions are open again! Purchase today!


Commissions are officially closing forever within a few days! Please order now if you’d like to get a commission!

Little bump! Commissions are officially opened for the weekend!!


Kira’s work is amazing. Yeah, sure the only thing driving customers away is the pricing, but WOW the art is fantastic. I recommend this artist to those looking for a decent profile picture, game ad, whatever it is.


Updated again! Please check it out and share with friends if you can :wink:

can u add a pfp and a game icon bundle?

Nope, it’d need to be 4+ items

You are very talented, but as of now I will keep you on my list. :slight_smile:


Just bought a commission, art was amazing and the service was fantastic! I would definitely reccomend buying from this artist, and I plan to buy again in the future!

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