[CLOSED] [425 R$] Looking for GFX designer

What are we?

Greetings, fellow developers! How is life? We are team SwanPlay,
a very new pair of people that will inspire many players in new and original experiences.
Are you passionate?
Group Link: SwanPlay - Roblox

About the job

Let me introduce what we are looking for. We will like somebody to make us two players on a computer, and the other is thinking. The background should be the one below.

Character Positions

Red is for the thinker, and green is for the one on the laptop.


This is an elementary payment. We are willing to pay 425 Robux in GROUP FUNDS.


You can contact:


iREY90089#5491 (owner)
Perfectboy520#2731 (co-owner)



Dev Forum:


Requirements IMPORTANT

  1. Most have an excellent reputation in the Roblox community; this means not getting into controversy and follow Roblox’s TOS.

  2. Most have a portfolio

  3. Importantly, ACT professionally

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