[CLOSED] [4k R$] Dirtbike Scripter Needed


The Job

My group’s game has dirtbikes that spin out very easily when slowing down. We need a scripter that can fix/edit the bike with minimal impact on the existing speed, turning ability, or overall functionality.

We’ll give the existing model of our bike (basically a modded toolbox motorcycle) for you to work on your own place. After we verify your model works and we pay you, we’ll implement the working bike in our game. Since it’s a standalone model, you shouldn’t need to edit our actual place to do the job.




Contact me on discord: tinyguy#4637

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Can you give some details? For example is what places do we have to fix/edit the bike.

We’ll give the existing model of our bike (basically a modded toolbox motorcycle) for you to work on your own place. After we verify your model works and we pay you, we’ll implement the working bike in our game. Since it’s a standalone model, you shouldn’t need to edit our actual place to do the job.

Ok I know this, but in which place does it need to be improved? For example the turning? or what

The bike spins out when you brake at high speeds, making it hard to control when navigating through tight areas. That’s the only issue we’re trying to fix.

I’m interested here my discord: Jeanpaupaul#0446

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