[CLOSED] 50,000 Robux / 150 USD | Mid-Poly Builder | Mid Sized Simulator Map

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Yo! My name is KingFossi, and I am a game developer / investor who owns a couple small games studios, with my most notable being KingFossi’s Tribe!
and YongBros (Amassing around 1M visits in total!) I am inviting you to be apart of my next game project!

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For my next game, I am looking for a committed and experienced builder to design a small / mid low poly beach w/ small coral reef map for my game “Loot Lake Simulator!”

Style I am looking for: medium-poly, cartoonish, and simplistic mainly built in Blender / 3d modeling software.

Much more details / examples upon contact!

Here is the low poly style I am going for!

Low Poly Style I am looking for examples

from (davidiscooI)

from (DrippledDev)

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50,000 Robux through group funds or T-Shirt
150 USD Via Paypal

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If you’re interested (or know someone who might be), don’t hesitate to message me here on discord (TheKingFossi#7568) Or here on dev forum!

Please include a portfolio of your work, have a good week!


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