Closed | Advanced scripter for hire!

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a scripter. I specialize in script creation. I have been scripting for 1 year on Roblox and have previously worked on titles such as Gravity Runners, Suns Hotel & Resorts, and Beans Coffee Shop. I may only have one year of practice but I can make complex scripts depending on the situation.


I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekdays. You can contact me any time, and I’m also available all day on the weekends.


Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or per script. My preferred payment method is Group funds.


You can contact me on Discord. noah01q#0001
Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Hello there. Portfolio is needed, without that I don’t think anyone’s gonna hire you. You sound good tho.

Are you able to script a simulator if so add me on discord Shadow_Furious77#1798