[CLOSED] Advanced Scripter / UI Designer - Pet system | HIGH PAY

Hi there!

About Me

I’ve been a solo developer on Roblox since 2010 and have managed to have 3 front-page games in 2011-2012, and currently have 2 semi-popular games on the platform with over 200 average concurrent players each!

The game that this posting is for: Vibe Club 💜 - Roblox

About The Job

I am looking for someone who is both an advanced scripter AND UI designer, who is able to make a fully-functional in-game pet system where players can buy pets (via gamepasses) that follow them in-game. I’m a bit terrible when it comes to scripting and UI, hence the fact I am here haha!

What I’ll need:

  • A pet shop UI that matches my game’s theme (game link at the top of the post), activated by a brick you touch, as I plan to have a physical pet shop inside of the game.

  • Inside of the UI, players need to be able to view a preview of each pet with a title and short description, as well as a purchase button!

  • A pet inventory to equip and un-equip pets and name them (chat filtering must be enabled).

  • Pet’s that will follow you with their name above their head (similar to Adopt Me)

Extra info:

  • I can create the pets myself, but a few sample pets would need to be created on your end for testing purposes (don’t worry about how they look haha, even a block with small arms will do).

  • This system needs to allow easy additions so that I can add more pets seamlessly to it in the future!

  • This job would need to be completed within the month, 3 weeks from now the latest as I am planning a big update to go live on Saturday, March 6th.


I am paying $160 CAD ($125 USD or 35714 R$) for this entire job.

My preferred and only payment method is Paypal as I do not have group funds and am not looking to pay the added tax via a T-Shirt transaction.

Payment will be made after the asset is complete, but rest assured, you can hold on to the asset in your own separate baseplate as to prevent stealing.

Contact Me

Discord is the best place to contact me. I don’t get devforum notifications:

Thanks for reading, and I am excited to work with you! :slight_smile:

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