AI Enemy System | Commission
About Us
Hello, im the owner of Vetra Developments, a group with 28k members, Co - Owned by @FXdan. We are currently working a new project after completling our previous project Treasure Simulator.About the Job
We are currently hiring a Programmer who is proficient at making intelligent AI Enemies such as Melee Enemies and Ranged Enemies with easy to edit/update stats & functions. AI mostly should be based off of Zombie Strike with some small changes.
- Strong Understanding of Modules
- Strong pathfinding skills (Doesnt have to be PathfindingService)
- Easy to edit / Easy to add to the system
- Portfolio of past work (Mostly AI related)
- Can write clean & reliable code
Preferred (not required but nice to have)
- Understand of AFG (Aero Game Framework)
- OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
45,000+ (Negotiable)
Payment will be in paid through group funds.
NOTE: If work is imcomplete or does not work, we sadly wont be paying. We will pay upon full competion. If system does not work down the line and isnt my fault, we expect it to be fixed (Will be very lenient if you cant but still would be appreciated)
- @Dev_Linxy - Twitter
- Linx#7757 - Discord (Will require mutals, but im friends with alot of ppl in the dev community)