[CLOSED] Army Training Base Project

Army Training Base

Build Style/Details

Modern style building with adequate detail, but not laggy with 50 players in a server. It will be a tropical base surrounded by water and encompassed by a mountain range on one side of the map. The primary color for the base will be a tropical orange.

Specific Builds

  • Big wall and gates at the front entrance to the base with a barbed wire fence behind the gate
  • Unique base entrance design with base sign
  • Building with classrooms
  • Several HQ buildings for different Army divisions
  • Obstacle courses section
  • Airport with hangers and a runway
  • Breaching practice area
  • Several 1v1 gun and sword fighting areas
  • Parade square with stage
  • Shooting range
  • Roads connecting everything

Specific Scripting

  • Add an admin script (FM is fine for this)
  • Tanks, MP cars (Edited FMs are fine for this)
  • Add the guns used by the Army (FMs will be given)
  • Team change GUI -Wearable armor (Bullet proof vests, helmets, etc)
  • Basic things around the base like gates


If you’re interested, contact Fed#0988 on Discord to discuss the project and negotiate pay.

1 Like

I am interested! Accept me on Discord so we can talk about the project! JimMoud#0337

@JimMoud It seems we didn’t get your request - try sending to Deferend#7683!

Sent a Request! Check out my work https://syruprblx.weebly.com/

Added you on Discord. My user is Tor#1329.

Interested, but I dont use disc. Message me if the position is still available.

This is no longer available. Thanks to all of you for your interest!

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