[CLOSED] Basic Admin Anti-Abuse Event Failing

Problem solved! Final code for anybody who needs it to base a command off of.

		for a,b in next,playerService:GetPlayers() do
		local Perm = returnPermission(b)
			if Perm > 0 then
				essentialsEvent:FireClient(b,'Notif',"Admin Abuse",lp.Name,{'clear'})

At this point I’m pretty sure it was a basic error in writing the code to find out if the event was called, I just can’t find out what./

I’m a bit confussed with if this is a local script or server script.

You are using both FireClient and OnClientEvent in the same script.

Is this server (FireClient)client (OnClientEvent) or client (FireServer)server (OnServerEvent) ?

It is a modulescript, the PM part should honestly be ignored, it has no relevance.

The part I need help with is making sure that I didn’t write the first 4 lines of code wrong.