[CLOSED] Bloxville Pool Programmer Needed (45% rev) 120k funds

Indeed it is, it could be done this way:

Begin some ‘tasks’, perhaps 20-50%
Receive 20-50% payment upfront
Finish the ‘tasks’ (100%)
Receive the rest of the payment (80-100%)

But that isn’t all of us, I’m sorry to hear that you have been screwed over before - but not all of us are like that. You’ve just got to negotiate the correct terms, even creating a contract can help with the matter.

Your motivation should be the payment you will receive upon the completion of your work. If you find people that are willing to pay you before you even start working, so be it and fine. But for the most part, people generally tend to not do that. Prove you can do the work, and show the work. You are paid. Then you hand the work over. Pretty simple.


Trouble is, 5/10 they approach you due to your ‘building style’ get you to completely build what they desire and waste your time saying they ‘dislike it’. Or perhaps come with a ‘place stealer’ and still get the place free. I’m only saying this due to past experience. It works both ways, it is a horrible situation.

It’s a vulnerability on robloxs end that we simply cannot stress over. I personally wouldn’t pay up front unless I was desperate and I would make that clear from the start. As for those doing the work, state how you want to be commissioned before progress has even started.

On the place stealing aspect, that’s what screenshots are for.

How would using ‘screenshots’ make any actual difference?

You can show someone a screenshot of a build, rather than inviting them to a server.

I guess that is one way of doing things… Trouble is what if they want to ‘explore’ the build and make sure there isn’t any ‘free models’ around they recognise anywhere, I mean, that isn’t hard to cover-up in a screenshot.

You could even go as far as to send a video of you exploring, and explain that you will not allow them into a server because you’ve been burned in the past via place stealing. Ultimately, it is your right to allow or disallow them certain things, and it is their right to pay or not pay you. However, if they actually wanted the thing you built, they’d pay you, and not be super pressing over needing to go into the place.

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Great way of putting things, I’ll use that for future reference - not a bad idea of dealing with that situation.

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I can take this offer; I need a project. I don’t care if the Robux is Non-DevExable since I don’t need to DevEx. I can only work on weekends, but I’ll put about 6-8 hours of work (per day). I am a completionist so that I won’t stop until a get to a significant point.

Edit: Add me on Discord, it’s Shadrz#7070

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