[Closed] Builder for camping game with almost guaranteed success!

About Us

I am Captain, and I am looking for a builder to help me build my camping game!

The Team
@CaptainD_veloper - Scripter, Project Lead
@couldbeyou - builder

About The Job

I am looking for a builder to find up my camping game! This game is a sequel to another camping game I scripted that had dozens of videos made on it! This game has been long awaited and I need a builder to build this game. This camping game is about 30% done. The first floor needs a few rooms more and the basement and obbies need to be built.


I will be paying 10-13k through group funds for this as this is 30% finished.

Contact Us

Discord: Captain#1855

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


If we decided not to choose percentages, and we decided to take the robux payment (via T Shirt), does this mean we do not get credit?


I mean it might not be guaranteed, but he’s paying well. I’ve sent a request on discord.


@Axcerious @PineappleDoge1 @ClownAuthority
It is almost guaranteed because the original had dozens of videos made on it, plus I plan to add a motivating factor to play which I will disclose privately. I also am putting around 40k into advertising.

Something can have ‘almost’ garunteed sucess. Think of it like this, If I made 1 game connected to my group/community with 2mil visits, when I make another game and advertise, more people are likely to play because of my previous game and advertisments. This isnt garunteed but if you have a community around a game that is over 2k memembers you can most likely see a couple sales within the first 24 hours. If there are over 12 videos on the game by people with over 200k subs, then that is a large amount of exposure so that again can boost plays and sales increasing the rbx/visit ratio. Not nessecarily misleading if it dosent say 100% garunteed, just with the exposure, its likely to get a nice bit of views and sales.


Baiting developers should not be allowed by the rules. Why is the op lying to developers about his future game being successful (or almost guaranteed to be successful, it doesn’t matter)? I wouldn’t recommend working with the op as he already tries to get people into working with him by using misleading titles.

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Hi! I’m interested.
Discord: Exloos#9301

Greetings, Capt’n!

I have taken interest upon this job. I’ve sent a friend request on Discord: D3V0URED#0332

I am available, I am a 3D Artist you can see my portfolio and contact me here or on discord

How am I trying to “bait” anyone? I didn’t state 100% success, I said almost because a lot of people have been waiting for this game.

Technically this entire conversation should’ve been handled in DMs, not minimodding just simply acknowledging we’re all in the wrong for not properly following the guidelines for this thread.

It’s not the only carbon copy to exist so that’s where the success rate is already at an all time low. Another factor to take into consideration is whether or not the fans of this genre decide if you’re worthy of their time or just copying the original they’ve idolized. Disclaimer; I’m all for competition, I’m simply speaking from a fan’s perspective on this matter.

So bottom line is how it’s a game of luck, either you make 30k+ or you invested your funds poorly on an unstable market. Trends come and go, so nothing is 100% guaranteed. You will inevitably fail if you wait too long, so if I were you I’d start working on it immediately if you want to optimize your chances of success.

If the modeler isn’t confident in the project than it would be wise to settle for the 30k upfront rather than take their chances with 20%. That way It wouldn’t matter if the project did poorly on launch or not because you were already paid. % payouts are only for risk takers, if you don’t like risks than settle for the upfront payments instead. Nothing you do in life will ever be a guaranteed success, you will inevitably fail at one point in your life if you haven’t already.


I have reopened this as my old builder quit and left me with 30% of the build!

The moment you tell yourself and your collaborators that you are guaranteed to succeed is the moment you set yourself up to fail, hard. Working on teams is way easier said than done.

I am interested, is this still closed? Here’s my

Messaged you on discord, Captain#1855

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