[CLOSED] Builders, 3D Modelers, and Graphic Designers needed for Little Angels Daycare


Greetings! My name is joritochip and I am currently the Lead Developer for a Roblox group with over 390k+ members, Little Angels Daycare! The group delivers excellent service to our guests that arrive and provide joy daily. In the game, you are able to apply for the job of a Teacher’s Assistant, Teacher, Nurse, and Receptionist. These are our hard workers that provide our excellent service. These amazing workers are in need of some improvements to our builds at the daycare.

What I’m Looking For

  • Builders - We need builders that have experience in landscaping and creating detailed furniture.

  • 3D Modeler - We need a 3D modeler to create a variety of assets. Experience making detailed furniture, classroom materials, and other school-related assets is necessary.

  • Graphic Designer - We need a Graphic Designer who is experienced in making group/game icons to be used across the group.


You will be paid in one-time payments for every assignment you complete. Prices for these assignments are negotiable, and will also depend on the quality of the final product.

Payment will depend on the job that you are completing. Builders can expect 5k-15k Robux per assignment. Modelers and Graphic Designers should contact us to discuss payment.

How To Contact Me

You may contact me through my Discord, dorito#0001. I will most likely not respond immediately, as I receive many direct messages every day. It would be most helpful if you sent me examples of games or assets that you’ve developed for and things you’ve created recently. Please do not say “Hello” and wait for a response, and instead sent examples before I have even opened your DMs. If you are interested and ready to work, I’m excited to work with you!

Thanks for taking the time to read this!


Hi there! I’m extremely interested in filling in the Builder Position, although I’m not able to contact you as your Direct Messages are currently closed?

Hello! You can either add me as a friend on Discord or go to our group (linked above) and join our server using the link for our server there. Discord does not allow unknown people to DM.

Hi, i’m Interested in the Builder position. Just sent a friend request on discord, looking forward to communicating more! HoodLess#9548

Closed the post for now as we have had many people reach out at this point. We will be going through all of the portfolios of those who reached out and if necessary will re-open the post.

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