[CLOSED] Burger Queen - Hiring Scripters, UI Designers & Builders

Burger Queen - Recruiting Developers

About Us

[BQ] Burger Queen is a burger restaurant themed group on Roblox which gives players and users the opportunity to experience a realistic fast-food chain oriented experience through working in different jobs, ordering food, making food, being trained and more within our main place. We currently possess over 180,000 group members which we have obtained since our founding in late 2019, and plan to expand our establishment to a wider audience going forward, starting with this new project!

About The Job

We are hiring developers to become part of our Development Team and contribute to the creation of a new interactive game. This includes Builders, Scripters and UI designers (scripted & non-scripted). Our overall budget for this project is between $250 and $500 USD.


  • You must have at least 6 months of experience in either Building, UI Designing or Scripting.

  • You must have a discord account as this is the main form of contact.

  • Your work must be of a high standard.


We are planning on creating a game which will allow players to take on different roles, such as being a Cook, a Cashier or a Supplier and contribute to the running of a Burger fast-food style chain. Orders will be submitted by NPCs, not real players. Working in the restaurant will give players money which they can then use to buy a house and furnish it.

We also plan on adding more features in the future, however this is the general idea for the base game.


The place will be built in a low-poly build style, and therefore we are looking for Builders who specialise in this style of building.


We are looking to complete this project at the latest by mid-January.


All prices are negotiable depending on things like the quality of work, or the amount of time it will take to be completed, however we do not want to go too much over our budget if possible.

Scripters - $50 - $200 (depending on amount of assets)

Cooking system,
Cashier system (w/ NPCs),
Money system,
Supply system
House purchasing/furnishing

  • Needs to be compatible on Phone & Desktop

Builders - $125 - $175

1 type of house,
1 restaurant,
2 types of vehicle,
1 furniture store
1 supply warehouse

UI Designers - $75 - $100 USD

Intro Screen,
Play Screen,
Select Job Screen,
Gamepass Shop UI,
Inventory UI,
House Inventory UI,
House Purchase/Sell UI,
Furniture Purchase/Sell UI,
Rendered Assets

Payment Method

Our main payment method will be USD, however if robux is more convenient for you we can adjust prices to fit this if necessary, however we cannot go above 50,000. The time at which we give the payment will be negotiated upon hiring you.

Contact Us

You can contact us on discord with the following:

Discord: baileyy#0007

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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