[CLOSED] Calculating Projectile Shots?

I want my archer to shoot up and falls back down to the enemy. I’m using FastCast for this and I don’t know how I can achieve this.

Right now, my archer shoots straight but I want it to shoot up. It also misses.

local function GetPredictedPosition(targetPosition, targetVelocity, shooterPosition, shooterVelocity)
	local gravity = ToolData.EffectGravity
	local projectileSpeed = ToolData.BulletSpeed
	local distance = (targetPosition - shooterPosition).Magnitude
	local p = targetPosition - shooterPosition
	local v = targetVelocity - shooterVelocity
	local a = Vector3.new()

	local timeTaken = (distance / projectileSpeed)

	if gravity > 0 then
		local timeTaken = projectileSpeed/gravity+math.sqrt(2*distance/gravity+projectileSpeed^2/gravity^2)

	local goalX = targetPosition.X + v.X*timeTaken / gravity * a.X * timeTaken^2
	local goalY = targetPosition.Y + v.Y*timeTaken / gravity * a.Y * timeTaken^2
	local goalZ = targetPosition.Z + v.Z*timeTaken / gravity * a.Z * timeTaken^2

	return Vector3.new(goalX, goalY, goalZ)

local nextPosition = GetPredictedPosition(targetPosition, targetVelocity, shooterPosition, shooterVelocity)
script.FireProjectile:Fire(firePoint, nextPosition)

FastCast Script:

local FastCast = require(Modules:WaitForChild("FastCastRedux"))
local caster = FastCast.new()

local castParams = RaycastParams.new()
castParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
castParams.IgnoreWater = true

local castBehavior = FastCast.newBehavior()
castBehavior.RaycastParams = castParams
castBehavior.Acceleration = Vector3.new(0, -ToolData.EffectGravity, 0)
castBehavior.AutoIgnoreContainer = false
castBehavior.CosmeticBulletContainer = projectilesFolder
castBehavior.CosmeticBulletTemplate = projectile

FastCast.VisualizeCasts = true

script.Parent.FireProjectile.Event:Connect(function(firePoint, hitPosition)
	castParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {character, projectilesFolder}
	local orgin = firePoint.WorldPosition
	local direction = (hitPosition - orgin).Unit
	caster:Fire(orgin, direction, ToolData.BulletSpeed, castBehavior)

My effectGravity is set to 100

if all the zombies move at the same speed you dont really need to predict their position you just have a constant offset and shoot straight at them

I need to predict their position because there are going to be different monsters. I am trying to achieve this:

Run the fastcast raycasts without any wait in between them so that they go instantly, and then take the fastcast raycast result, and base your target effects from there

What do you mean? I don’t have any waits in it.

I mean in the fastcast module itself. create a new SimulateCast function in the ActiveCast module that does essentially the same thing, but there’s no time-stepping

Something like this?

function FastCast.CalculateNextPosition()

this is in the module.

Check FastCast’s codebase and see if they handle projectile motion with the likes of a quadratic equation somewhere. If they solve that quadratic, you can change the quadratic formula such that it adds the discriminant ( + sqrt(b^2-4*a*c) ) rather than subtracting it and it should give you the high-arc motion you’re looking for.

I found this in ActivateCast:

local function GetPositionAtTime(time: number, origin: Vector3, initialVelocity: Vector3, acceleration: Vector3): Vector3
	local force = Vector3.new((acceleration.X * time^2) / 2,(acceleration.Y * time^2) / 2, (acceleration.Z * time^2) / 2)
	return origin + (initialVelocity * time) + force

-- A variant of the function above that returns the velocity at a given point in time.
local function GetVelocityAtTime(time: number, initialVelocity: Vector3, acceleration: Vector3): Vector3
	return initialVelocity + acceleration * time

local function GetTrajectoryInfo(cast: ActiveCast, index: number): {[number]: Vector3}
	assert(cast.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED)
	local trajectories = cast.StateInfo.Trajectories
	local trajectory = trajectories[index]
	local duration = trajectory.EndTime - trajectory.StartTime
	local origin = trajectory.Origin
	local vel = trajectory.InitialVelocity
	local accel = trajectory.Acceleration
	return {GetPositionAtTime(duration, origin, vel, accel), GetVelocityAtTime(duration, vel, accel)}

local function GetLatestTrajectoryEndInfo(cast: ActiveCast): {[number]: Vector3}
	assert(cast.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED)
	return GetTrajectoryInfo(cast, #cast.StateInfo.Trajectories)

This is a good video: Projectile Physics - Roblox Scripting Tutorial - YouTube