[closed] Chocolate Entertainment, Hiring a Dev Team!

About Us

Hi there! We are Chocolate Entertainment(name is open for change), a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for a full team who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game.

The game is a Fantasy RPG game. Heavily influenced by RotMG, and Swordburst 2, and others!
I do not want to give too much information on the forum, but I will fill everybody in who wants to join!

The Team
@LxghtR - Head Dev - 25%
@ZE00121 - Co-owner/investor - 25%
@SaintNicholas_Kun - Builder - 20%
@RazorBladedino117 - Scripter - 20%
@Inkqo - GFX - one-time payouts
@you UI Design - Payment per asset - Around 55$
@you - Animator - Payment per asset - upwards of 50$ depending on difficulty, also price will increase if it’s higher quality
@you - Modeler - 5% + One time Payments - around 10$ per asset depending on complexity
@you - 2nd Builder - Specializes in Low-Poly, per asset, upwards of 200$ for a complete map
@you - 3d modeler - Modeling mobs, payment per asset, must be experienced. Up to 100$

Atleast 1.5 years of experience!

Currently have quite a bit of scripting done, a little bit of building, about half the models are done. Everything is running good!
We need UI and Animators to progress further, the only thing holding us back!

What’s expected

Stay motivated.
Complete all tasks on time.
Do not interfere and ruin other peoples work.

About The Job

Must be experienced! 1.5+ years!, Have a portfolio on hand for review.
6000x6000 stud map(split into 4 groups)
Lots of advanced combat animations!


Our preferred payment method is Percentage
Paypal and robux on hand!
Trust me you won’t be getting scammed!
Ask my team for proof of payments!

We can work out prices in PM’s

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord @Poltergeist#0666

Hope to have you on the team! :smile:


How much backup payment does the animator get?


Basically, you will get 5% automatically after creating the animations. Then we will workout a one time payment for the asets you’ve made. So depends on the amount of animations you make! Roughly 800 robux per animation. I’m new to payment btw


Hello! I would like to apply for the GFX Artist role. My portfolio is Juno | GFX Artist/Designer . My Discord is Inkqo#8185. I look forward to working with you! :happy2:

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i Added you on discord! Your art looks amazing!

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Im interested to build terrain for you :slight_smile:

But first tell me more details.

My discord: MrGalaretka14#8252


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Shoot i’m so sorry!!!

Our team decided to go with a different type of map, so we don’t need a terrain dev anymore!!

I’m very sorry!!!

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Hey, I’m interested in applying for the GFX position!

My discord tag is Hanamii#1389

I am interested in the graphics artist position I shot you a discord FRQ @Alex.#5846

Alright no problem :grinning:
30 characters

I am interested in animating, ill be glad to help out.

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Go ahead and add my discord! we’re still in need of a UI designer, and an animator!

I have added your discord, @ me when you get a chance.

I’m now looking for a 2nd scripter to help my lead scripter with scripting special character abilities! He has combat and everything else down, you will just be needed for character abilities!

If you’re interested please contact me on Discord


Hello! My name is Hayden, I would love to apply for the UI Designer position if it’s still open! I also added you on discord.

Hello, My name is Toxic and I would like to apply for the UI Position, sent you a friend request on discord.

Hello everyone! Still looking for a UI designer, Terrain builder, and an animator! Possibly a 2nd scripter too! Must have atleast 1 year of experience!

Please reply or message me if you’re interested! Discord - Poltergeist#0666

Hello, I’m UI Designer.
DM me via discord abd#0001

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Hey! I am an animator looking to apply for your job. I will contact you on discord,

Your Cat#9492

Hi there! I am interested in applying to the UI Designer or possibly the Animator position! My portfolio: PandaAwws|| UI Design, Building, Animation
I added you on discord. My discord: Pandaawws#8878
Looking forward to working with you, good luck on your project!