[Closed] Convert these characters to HumanoidDescriptions


I’m looking for a bit of help to convert these morphs into HumanoidDescriptions:

The characters consist of the Chest-Arm1-Arm2-Leg1-Leg2 model template which you may have seen around, especially in earlier times. Obviously now-a-days this is not very practical to have with R15, Rthro, etc so the plan is to convert them into HumanoidDescriptions.

The Task

The character objects you’ll need to convert include:

  • Accessories (Hats and Accessories). If you can’t find the corresponding accessory ID from the catalog, then go for the closest-looking one you can find.
  • Body Parts (Head, Torso, LeftArm, RightLeg, etc). Don’t worry about faces as my morph system handles this separately. When uploading your custom-body parts as models, make sure to make them free to take.
  • Clothes (If the character has any Shirts, Pants, TShirts, etc)
  • BodyColors

A character is complete as soon as you can run humanoid:ApplyDescription(humanoidDescriptionOfTheConvertedMorph) on an R15 character, with it’s appearance matching the original (except from the face).

Place File

CharactersToConvertToR15.rbxl (75.6 KB)


I’ll pay 30,000 R$ (or 100 USD) for the completed task, however if you’d like to negotiate a different price then I’m more than happy to via DMs. I’ll pay the full amount after the task is completed via group payouts.

If you’re interested in taking up the task, please respond to this post then I’ll send you a friend request on discord where we can discuss any further details you need.


Vouch. ForeverHD is a good developer and I’ve worked with him previously on some stuff here and there, can defs say that he’ll be a good person to work with thin and thick.

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I’m interested in this task. I’ll try my best to get it done asap.

I have a few questions.

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The offer is still up if anyone’s interested in making a quick buck

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Hey Im interested in this job, I have a few questions though could we discuss it over discord?

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