[CLOSED] Decent Scripter wanting to help make an original td game

Hello! I am QuiIity. Most tower defense games I have seen on roblox I have not been excited by. I am looking for people who want to help me make something new and creative and not going down the same path as many other td games.

My work:

I have worked on some games in the past including DOTA, EE, T.D.C(Current project), and helped with some other games.

Game Links:

T.D.C [ā„ļø SNOW!] Tower Defense Command - Roblox

DOTA Defenders of the Apocalypse - Roblox

EE Evolution Evade - Roblox


You can contact me on discord from my tag. Quility#4520

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Hey, Iā€™d be interested in potentially working with you! Sent a friend request on discord.

I may of made a mistake and declined can you message me your discord?

I sent another friend request, my discord is Cazsius#2026!