last updated: 09/05/2021 8:14pm PST
Greetings. My name is DeveloperColton (or Colton). I am a programmer and a UI designer. I’ve been developing on the platform since around 2015 (I used to have an older account; this one joined in 2018). A bit of background information about myself, I am currently a 20 year-old college student (in my junior year) perusing a bachelors degree in Computer Science.
I am fluent in various programming languages including:
- Lua (of course)
- Javascript
- Java
- Typescript (I have worked with roblox-ts before)
- Python
- Assembly
- C++
The following is a list of games I’ve worked on recently (within the past two years):
average players: ~50
Boss Brawl
About Boss Brawl
I joined this project after its inital release in March of this year. Upon working on the game for a few weeks I was promoted to Lead Developer and took over all programming and ui-design within the game. I have programmed the pet and capsule system within the game, voting pads, and have reworked a bunch of the existing code. I’ve since then have been promoted and now am the owner of this group and game.
average players: ~100
SizzleBurger V5
About SizzleBurger
I was the lead developer on this project coding most of the game before my departure last year. This game was entirely coded with roblox-ts and included using various libaries such as roact, rodux, and roact-rodux. In this game I have coded the interaction system, world and door systems, NPC customers, queue systems, job selection UI, job systems, cashier systems, chef systems, and much more behind the scenes.
Here are some videos since it is paid-access:
Queue system for NPCs and real-players:
Cashier job:
Cooking systems:
World/door systems:
average players: ~2,000-5,000
Airport Tycoon
About Airport Tycoon
Airport Tycoon was a commision I took that I found here on the Developer forums. It was a one month contract that had me do a variety of tasks upon existing codebase. Some of these updates included recoding their helicopter systems to be easier to control (the new system focused on EQWASD). It was a great experience for me as it was one of the bigger projects I’ve worked on. It also allow me to showoff my skills as being a well-rounded programmer that can work in a wide variety of enviroments and different tasks.
(will add more later once the update is public)
Other projects
Kingdom Simulator
An unfinished project with not much at all. There is a placement system you can activate by press “1” on your keyboard and hovering over your grid.
Tower Defense
An unfinished tower defense project that is probably super buggy at this point. You can place items down but they wont do much.
Themepark API
A small little project that allows you to select a themepark and view the current waittimes for rides and attractions in Roblox.
Due to being a full-time college student my availability changes weekly depending on coursework, exams and other events. My current schedule for this upcoming fall quarter has me in classes 3 days a week, with the other days being open. Depending on the complexity of work for that week, it can be suggested I’ll have four free days to work each week. Communication wise, I am pretty good when it comes to communication so you can expect a message back in a decent time frame even on the days I am not nearby a computer or have classes.
I am currently accepting short-time and long-term jobs. There is no set price on my work, after we have discussed the project you, or I, will propose an offer for the comission.
I accept both robux and paypal (USD).
For short term projects, I only accept one-time payments (meaning one payment after everything is complete).
For long term projects, I accept a one-time payment (rarely) and percentages. I usually per a percetange in these instances, especially for game studios/groups/roleplay groups, etc.
Please use discord to contact me as it is my main source of communication:
mr.c#3414 (please reply below with your discord name so I know who to accept).
You can also contact me through a direct message on here, however I may not respond as quick.
Please note I have the right to refuse any offer I would like. I am a person who likes to work on projects that I am actually interested in. If I decline your offer either the offer was too low payment wise or I just didn’t have interest in your project.
Thanks for reading!