[Closed] Drawing Your Roblox Profiles

Hey there! Really satisfied with how you did mine😊

I’ve deleted the shirt and bought it a second time for a friend (feel free to check your transaction histories under the name “astra_wr”) , could you do his avatar? Senti - Roblox

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Hi again! I know your done for the night but tomorrow, can you tell me the editing software that you use?

You can pretty much use any editing software, but you need the artistic skill to be able to draw the avatars.

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Yes I use paint3D, it should be automatically installed to your computer if it is windows.


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Hey, I bought the gamepass :))

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image !!

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Ok, the rest will be done sometime this week.


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Profile drawings are now open again!

Hey there, not sure but you might’ve skipped my post as you’ve already delivered the last person’s avatar. Could you take a look at my friends’?

Oh sorry dude that was the wrong avatar LOL
I bought the gamepass again please do my current one instead :slight_smile:

oh ok ya srry I was just looking at the current profiles ill do it again

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Is this the right avatar?
Just want to know so i dont make another wrong avatar lol

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I have bought the profile drawing gamepass

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Not looking to buy one atm but you should really raise your prices

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