[Closed] Drawing Your Roblox Profiles

I’ll be purchasing one soon, so expect to see me purchase one soon!

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I bought the profile drawing gamepass

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Bought it, I’m excited to see how you draw my avatar. Here’s proof: profile

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Hey there! Just bought the gamepass, I bought it on this account but I’ll like it as a drawing for my dev account @TypixalDev Thanks!

Here is the screen shot!:

Profile Drawing - Roblox - Google Chrome (gyazo.com)

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hm reallly strange looks like @AnewScientist post very fishy. hm idk still very strange ye nvm you definetly copied but snip and sketched it or a 0.00000000001 chance of you bought it on same time.

Thats when the item was uploaded, not when it was bought…

The extension BTRoblox allows you to see that info

Yes that is the right avatar, don’t worry :joy:

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What I cant understand you lol but I think you said I snipped the pic, and yes, I did snip it but I was just wondering if that was the right avatar to draw

Ok, it will be done sometime soon :slight_smile:

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I have closed drawing profiles until I catch up on them. Please be patient and hold on posting. Thank you!


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Make my background, the glasses, make my shirt the correct color.

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I bought the profile drawing gamepass.

I bought the gamepass :smiley:!

Oh lol I didnt see the glasses

Hey there, bought it a third time! :laughing:

Here’s another avatar that I’d like you to draw.

Thank you!

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Ok, they will be done sometime this week. I am closing it right now so I can catch up. Please hold on posting. Thank you!

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Can I have a revision if possible? I just want it so the pancake mask thing on my avatar completely covers the face except with the eyeholes. Apart from that, looks good.