[CLOSED] EasyBit Creations Hiring UI Designer

EasyBit Creations is looking for a capable UI Designer to join the team for their next project “Dream Crusaders”.

An overview: Dream Crusaders is an action-packed tower adventure game based on the original game Crossy Road Castle. Play by yourself, with a friend, or a squad and traverse your way through the multiple levels of towers designed for teamwork and competitiveness. Dream Crusaders offers different animal characters to use, boss fights, cosmetics, level based progression, and the ultimate experience climbing towers.

We are hoping to find someone who has experience and time on their hands to take care of the UI for Dream Crusaders. The UI style we are looking for is attached below:

Example of UI Style


There is no prior experience needed to try out for this position and furthermore we scale and program the UI, so if you can design please apply!

EasyBit Creations is a professional team with members from all over the world. While “Dream Crusaders” will be our first project, the project is backed with 100K R$+ for publication alone. We are eventually looking to expand to other titles.

  • A driven and hardworking mentality
  • Friendly personality with creative and open ideas
  • Ability to follow the listed UI style or create of similar sorts
  • Contributing and participating in team discussion and meetings

In general looking for a friendly hardworking person with a possibility of a long-term position in mind.

R$ Payment:

  • 15,000 Robux upon completion

Percentage Incentive

  • 5% with a long-term position

Bonuses are available within a limited capacity!

We request that you provide a portfolio of some sort.

Please contact us through discord: Truth#9536 or alexslime11#6875
If for some reason we are not available please reach out through the forums.


We have received a few applicants. I urge anyone to apply!

I love the idea of adventure games in Roblox and the concept that it brings. A fresh change from Simulators and the such. Looking forward to seeing this in the flesh. Keep rocking.


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Thank you so much!

We truly appreciate your feedback :slight_smile:

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