About Me
I have been a programmer for almost 5 years and have experience in lua, typescript, java and python. I do use blender however having to take the role of asset developing and programming is proving to be quite difficult.
I am currently working on a horror game as a solo developer which I plan to add compatibility in xbox and VR.
Project Position
Information about the game will be discussed over discord. You will mostly be modeling furniture, items and must be able to texture them.
About the Job
I estimate the completion of the project in at least 2-3 months. Long term developers are appreciated for this project. Proper communication is necessary, and if you think you will quit early or cannot give sufficient updates, please do not apply. I am on a time crunch.
Payment is negotiable. I will be offering 350 USD minimum, no R$. A % will be granted upon game completion.
Have a portfolio ready for reviewal!
All applicants should be 13 years or older and have at least 1+ years of experience in 3d modeling and texturing. You can contact me on discord: @soul#6165