What is this?
Hello there, we are an SCPF group currently looking for a scripter. We are creating a new, semi open-world site with fair and balanced game mechanics. We also need good tech to accomplish this, so we are looking for a scripter.
The Team
@PeterShall22 - Manager/Modeler/Terrain/Builder/UI Designer (yes I do a lot of jobs)
Here is our current progress:
About The Job
We are looking for a professional scripter who can communicate and discipline themselves well. It is preferred if you have a microphone for meetings in which we can discuss what to do. You also are required to be motivated and failure to do tasks on-time will be met with a decrease in pay. However, oftentimes, we do not set deadlines.
We will be paying per month, however, the amount you will be paid is up for discussion.
Contact Us
If you would like to take up this offer, please send me a friend request at ohno#7396.