About Us
Hello there! I am development manager and developer for Fizi Productions, a small upcoming game development team! Currently we are looking for experienced 3D modeler!
About The Job
We are looking for a professional 3D modeler with 2+years of experience in Low poly style to join our team so we can finish our first game. The work doesn’t have to be done in one day, we are planing to finish the game in one month. Buildings are almost done. We need 3D modeler to create:
More weapon sets (we already have some, but few others would be good)
Environment props such as trees and rocks.
Food, plates , forks, knifes and spoons.
Example of our game's build style
Game is in low poly style and also a simulator about hunting. I dont want to share a lot of details because i don’t want our idea to be stolen!
![sampleimage|690x388, 75%]
If you are 3D modeler but also a builder you can also help me out on some buildings too, but we are primarly only looking for 3D modeler!
We are paying 8.000 for whole task . Only way of payment is group funds. We have budget of 25.000 Robux but, we also have another developer forum post [OPEN]R$25K+] Fizi Production is looking for developers!. We give 8.000 robux to each individual we hire.
(3D modeler, 8k, Scripter 8K, UI designer 8K) We will also have larger budget after advertising the game so except future payments! (Bonuses included)
Contact Us
You can contact me on Discord: Josip_V#9247.
You must be 14+ or older to apply, remember 2+ years of experience needed! Also you must have portfolio
Thanks for reading!