Hello, we are Flame Studios and we currently are in a need of 2 new developers for the studio. About the studio/game
We have 17k members in the discord server as well as few players in the game. And yes, the game is already out but it’s in Alpha stage. We want to transfer it into Beta.
The game is an MMORPG&Adventure type, basically there you can make parties, grind, buy/sell items, get loot and etc. The Team
Project lead by DavideWalrus
As in development team we have:
That doesn’t answer any of his questions. If I had to guess, you’re avoiding them because 1) You have no back-up plan in-case the game fails and you don’t know what %'s you want to pay yet (which you should).
It’s depending on the peoples work quality. But the % is around 10-20, yes, i don’t have back-up plan in case the game fails. It’s the same as investments/casino, you can lose or win. As i said above.
You should considering editing op to include the percentage then.
You won’t attract many good developers if you’re not even offering any sort of payment (pretty much working for charity, except you’re working for someone else), when most of us developers would spend a lot of time working for your group.
You should include the payment, as well as how much you currently have for funding (ads and marketing), considering you’re not accepting upfront payment or robux payment either.
Thanks. But as well i said in the topic that i need builder assistant only, which means you won’t spend way too many time by developing since most work he will do.
EDIT: Just realized the title changed as i was typing, gg
90% of devs on the forum want their boss to have a fail-safe so they can actually get paid.
A lot of games dont meet expectations so developers usually want weekly/monthly pay instead of waiting for game revenue.
The “builder assistant” job still has the word “build” in it. Unless you wanna end up accidentally hiring someone that’ll just be difficult to work with, you gotta put more detail into your post as a whole. Including an actual payment plan.
( i.e, screenshots, a bit more information about the job itself, etc. )