About Me
Hi there! I’ve been a GFX designer for over a year now and have been expanding my services slowly. I hope to get some pay and help some people with my graphics work for a cheap price.
Below you can find two pieces of my recent work.
Group Icon Fan Art
Practice GFX 1
What do I use?
I use C4D for the renders. (This includes a lightroom.)
I use paint.net for the rest. (Sometimes I use Photoshop CC.)
I am available almost 24/7 and is active on both Roblox and Discord. I am not that active on Sundays between 3:00pm CST - 8:00pm CST. I do not have school interference currently so I am very much available.
Prices are negotiable, I only accept payment of Robux.
Thumbnails: 100 Robux
Game Icons: 100 Robux
(You may also comment on pricing arranges.)
It is best to contact me by my Discord.
Proof of Completed Orders
Proof of Order 1
Thanks for reading, I hope to see myself working for you!
Will keep this in mind. I’m interested in hiring you for my thumbnails for my ROBLOX game.
I understand. Apologies. I’ll make sure to not do that again.
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Okay, thank you! I’d love to work with you.
Your work is amazing! I’d highly recommend you to others! May I ask a question? So I made a feedback post asking for feedback on my GFX. I was wondering if you could give me feedback and tell me if I should start charging Robux for my work? Thanks in advance.
Thank you so much! Please send some pictures of your GFX and I can give you feedback and more. 
Oh okay. I made a feedback post too. Here they are:
I’m still new to the whole GFX thing
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What do you use to make your renders?
The second GFX hat is off of the head a bit, make sure it fits on the head.
The legs on both of GFX are a bit weird but they look fine!
I love the shading, it looks great!
Yes I know about the hats - they weren’t lining up.
I use Blender 2.82, Roblox Studio and the Load Character Pro plugin on Studio.
Oh and on the first one, my HDRI wasn’t there.
I perfer C4D over Blender currently, and I love this tutorial that gave me a great start on GFX.
The link to this tutorial was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcRAuaXhqHk
I hope this video would help, Blender gave me issues but C4D is easy and can get a high quality render in 5 minutes.
I can’t afford C4D. Oh and renders for me in Blender take under 10 seconds.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)
I got to go though, I can talk later.
You should raise your prices. Don’t underestimate yourself! 
Thank you, I may increase it. 
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Another work piece has been added.