(CLOSED) For hire) Beta Tester

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a experienced Beta Tester. I can help find bug’s errors and such.


I am available on the weekends due to school.


Prices are negotiable.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord EightyHD#0992

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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dont view the devforum as a place to get a quick buck. literally every game developer is capable of beta testing it themselves. no need to hire some 12 year old to “beta test” just because they want money.

It is a good thing to be a Beat Tester AS LONG AS the person is actually developing for the game by fixing the bugs and rating gameplay and help to improve it. But this guy is just trying to get free money from people as a Beta Tester can be hired for free.

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As such he can be hired as a Beat Tester + doing work (meaning he is fixing bugs and improving gameplay)

Just looking to test games that’s It buddy, no need to get mad because I want to test peoples games just to make It better geez.

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