[Closed for now] Feedback on Showcase

I’m working on a building showcase for my portfolio. It’s not very detailed yet and I am hoping to get some tips on what I can do to fill in empty spaces, plus any constructive criticism on the current map. The link to the game is here so you can try it out:



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Would you mind including screenshots for us mobile users? :slight_smile:

What you’ve built is pretty simplistic with more of a landscaping approach, but here are my critiques:
-The grey rocks and very linear, consider making them more sloped?
-I’m not sure what the grey thing is in the corner it looks sort of odd.
-I feel like a floating island could instead be an island in the water with beaches, that would look more appealing.
-The back has no terrain what-so-ever?
-There’s not a lot of vegetation. Consider adding more trees for a forest or grasses and flowers for a meadow.
-Add some structures like a waterfall, pond, lake, large boulder, cabin, bench, etc.
-The narrow channel between the two steppes looks artificial, maybe make it more natural.
-It all looks very geometric and slightly uncanny, as nothing is really there…
Hope this helps, good luck!

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