[Closed for now] Naperin | Building Portfolio

About Me

Hello there, I am a guy from the Czech republic who enjoys asset creation and level design. I’ve been on Roblox for several years now. I started focusing on studio building in 2015 / 2016 and after a three-years break I came back and I also started experimenting with Blender.


  • I’ve worked on several projects, while the biggest yet may be the Guest World.

My work

Here are some screenshots:


  • I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekends and for around two / three hours during weekdays.


  • Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or per asset. My preferred payment method is via PayPal, but I am no stranger to group funds.


  • Discord: Naperin#8733

Thank you for your time. :slight_smile:


Really nice work. The only thing that would be missing to make it perfect, would be the textures on the models. :+1:

I’m interested add me here NycBussin💭#7656

I’m interested in buying DragonFireEyes#8135

Hello! I am very interested in your work. I sent a request on discord: TNFhacks#8346