[CLOSED] Foridex - 3D Modeler and Multipurpose Developer

Greetings! My name is Foridex, and I am offering my services as a 3D Modeler. I specialize in a multitude of different professions, namely 3D Modelling and 2D Art. I have been developing on this platform for 4 years and have been constantly expanding my knowledge in artistic related things in order to tackle almost any challenge or obstacle that may come my way. I currently work for a semi-popular arcade-like zombie FPS called Dead Slate as the Animator, 2D Artist, 3D Modeler, and others.

You can visit Dead Slate here: Dead Slate: Zombie Survival [Alpha] - Roblox

My Strengths

  • I specialize in topology and optimization. I can make most if not all of my models look good while being heavily optimized in tri count so that your game can run as smoothly as possible.
  • Even if I’m tired or burned out I can still do my job.
  • I am incredibly lenient when it comes to art. If a model needs something specific I will more than likely be able to do it without issue.
  • I may go out of my way to learn something new just to satisfy a request that is different than what I normally do.

My Weaknesses

  • I can sometimes be a bit too persistent when it comes to wanting feedback or posting work in progress shots.
  • I have communication issues (Albeit rarely, and I’m trying my best to fix this as I go). For example, I might not say, “I wont be working on the commission today because of (reason)”, if I’m feeling out of it on that certain day and want to work on the commission later on due to personal reasons.

Below you can view all of the different things I can do, be it well or not as good. (They will be ranked from top to bottom, top being the most skilled, bottom being vice versa.)

View All Professions

3D Modelling (4 years experience)
2D Art (11 years experience, 2 years semi-professionally)
3D Animator (3 months experience)
Texture Artist (1 year experience)
UI Designer (1 year experience)
Sound Design (1 month experience)
Voice Acting (1 month experience)
Music (Less than 1 month experience)

3D Models

New Content

AT-ST Model Turntable - YouTube

Trex Character Models

Dead Slate Content

Other Work

2D Art

Dead Slate Emoticons

ThunkConscript SmugConscript CuteConscript DeadConscript HmphConscript JoyfulConscript NPCConscript

Dead Slate Content

Gamepass Icons

Plasma Gun Concept Art



3D Animation

I am currently building an animation portfolio
TAR-21 Animation Set
TAR-21 - YouTube

I am usually available from around 1 PM to 9 PM or 12 AM (Pacific Standard Time) on the weekends, and from 3 PM to around 8-10 PM on weekdays.

You can contact me any time you see fit, however I do wish that you give me your time-zone just to make sure we can both be available simultaneously for anything regarding feedback or instruction during commission.

I charge by the HOUR. 17 USD an hour is my flat rate. If the job is non-intensive (not that difficult or time consuming) my flat rate will go down, and vice versa for larger more complicated commissions.
If there’s any more questions you happen to have about my pay, make sure to ask when we discuss about the work.

Estimated Rates for 3D Models w/ Textures:

  • High Poly Models (Quality PBR Game-Ready Models): $22-$25
  • Medium Poly Models (Quality Model w/ or w/out Textures): $17-$19
  • Low Poly Model (Optimized or Stylistic Low Poly Models): $13-$15

Estimated Rates for FPS Animations:

  • Full Set (Empty Reload, Tactical Reload, Equip, Fire, Unequip, Inspect) $20-$22
  • Medium Set (Empty Reload, Equip, Fire, Inspect) $15-$17
  • Basic Set (Empty Reload, Equip, Fire) $12-$14

I accept USD only using PayPal. I will NOT accept robux, monthly payments, or percentage based payments (However I will make an exception for extremely specific circumstances).


I may update this category if any new questions arise.

Q: Where are my exact prices?
A: My prices are not fixed. I will estimate or finalize prices with you. You explain what you need, I will promptly deliver the price/rate, and we can negotiate if any issues may arise.

Q: How lenient are you with your prices?
A: Prices are heavily dependable on the commission and can be negotiated minorly.

Q: What if something comes up midway through commission and I can’t pay?
A: As much as it pains me to hear this I will most likely stop working on the commission until you are able to fulfill the agreed on price. I will not lower the price.

Q: You said you do more than just Modelling, 2D Art, and Animation. Where are examples for those areas?
A: I am in the process of expanding my horizons. I will be posting more examples of work for these areas of expertise over time.

Discord Tag: Foridex#3178
Twitter Handle: @Hammer_Welke
Email: jordannypwelke@gmail.com

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day/night!


OH MY GAWD!! :scream:
amazing!! Will def hire you for future projects

Keep up the work fam!

Appreciate it! Looking forward to working with you in the future.

Hi, add me back on discord so we can discuss commissions :smiley:

Updated contact information for those interested!

Updated my 3D Models work category with a brand new work of mine! Was a fun commission for AsunaKoB. (Uploaded With Permission)

Heya, can you add me on Discord so we can discuss commissions? My tag is nf#7972.

Commissioned Foridex for an Imperial AT-ST: the results spoke for themselves. Not only did he create a highly optimized, appealing, and screen-accurate model of the AT-ST, but the delivery was exceptional. Frequent progress posts, detailed feedback, and great efficiency were only a few of Foridex’s great strengths displayed throughout the commission. I will say his pricing will likely restrict himself to clients who possess bigger budgets than most, but that is not to say he is not worth the extra money.

Would hire again.