[CLOSED ]GFX Artist needed (Advertisement banner)

Hello, people of dev forum.

my clothing group is in need of a GFX artist to make us an advertisement banner I have a budget of 250 Robux pending I just put it in the group now so it will take like 7-8 days for it to load but when it does come in then I will pay you and then you can give me the banner after I pay you.


  1. 9-12 months of experience
  2. Experience making advertisement banners
  3. more then 5 examples to show me

If you do not apply any of the rules above then you can not help out, also must be 13-16 of age.

Contact Info
you can contact me at Discord: HaloDev#9100

Thank you for reading if something is wrong with this post please let me know.
have a great day and goodbye! :smiley:

(also follow me on Roblox, thanks ;)) )

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