Hi! My name is Siimple_Sunset, and I love making GFXs! I decided to open commissions, so I can do SOMETHING with the GFXs I make. Here is SOME of my past work.
My past work
Icon - 30
Thumbnail - 100
If you are rude, or rush me, I can and will cancel your order.
You have to send me a screenshot of your groups funds and send me 10% of payment BEFORE I start your order.
After I finish your order, I will show you the image WITH the watermark.
Once you pay, I will give you the one without the watermark.
Thanks for reading! 
I don’t have discord, so make a private chat with me on the forums
first of all, i think this should be in #collaboration:portfolios
also, those GFX don’t look good to me, and also you don’t have any thumbnails to show which is, kinda weird when you are offering thumbnails, and it looks like GFX made in 3D Program from Microsoft.
Just my opinion.
Have an awesome day!

1 Like
Yes, but I can make thumbnails, but I’m just editing them rn
Also, idc if its an opinion cuz its the type of style I do when making GFX (Not to be rude)
Oh okay, have an awesome day still.
1 Like
This should be in #collaboration:portfolios not cool creations.
Oh… Ok lemme change that lol, one sec