CLOSED | [GFX] Portfolio

About Me

My name is laza and I am a starter GFX Artist.
I have been making GFX for a week and I think I can start working.
I am on this platform since 4/18/2017 , and I have been working
more and more on my GFX Skills!



My timezone is CET.
I can work 3-4 hours a day.
I am in school since 1 PM CET And come back at 7:30 PM CET.
I can do simple icons, GFX, And logos.


Each Small scene (One character, logo’s and avatars) are 25 R$ each.
I accept payment trough group funds or from a gamepass (I have a game for payment) with No tax


You can contact me in the reply section, on discord laza#3436 or via roblox messages (Won’t respond often.)


Q: Can I request multiple images?
A: Yes, but each image will be 25 R$.

Q: Can I cancel the order?
A: Yes, but not after you took the image

Q: Do you refund?
A: No.

Thank you for reading , farewell ! :slight_smile: