[CLOSED] Help making confetti for my checkpoints!

Hey developers!

I got a post on our Feedback on Opaque Obby post saying we should add some confetti to our checkpoints,

I tried searching up tutorials but my script ended up failing, please help me!

After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!

If your post is correct and it works, I will make it the solution.


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Also, I don’t know how to the basics for scripting as I usually use tutorials online.

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You could make a invisible part that when a player walks through enables a confetti particle and a sound?

Let me know when u got a confetti particle and maybe a sound and if u need more help i will try.

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I do need a bit more help, I can’t really find anything to help me.

I’m bad at scripting lol

I will create something for u and add explanations to it. so u can learn from it.

You would do a particle emitter with a random color. Customize the emitter to match a half of a sphere. Then using a for loop, :Emit(1) and change the color to random. Another tutorial would be this.


Try this:

local Confetti1 = script.Parent.Confetti1.Explosion -- Finds ParticleEmitter1
local Confetti2 = script.Parent.Confetti2.Explosion -- Finds ParticleEmitter2
local Trigger = script.Parent.TriggerPart -- Finds the part that triggers the confetti
Confetti1.Enabled = false -- Makes sure the particles arent enabled by default
Confetti2.Enabled = false

Trigger.Touched:Connect(function(trigger) -- This will make that when a player touches the Triggerpart a function will get triggered
	if trigger.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- Makes sure that whoever touches it is a player
		Confetti1:Emit(1) -- Emits the particles 

Ur model should look like this, i used default roblox particle textures so u will have to change that to confetti urself

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I got a confetti particle, dont worry!

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Alright, if u need anymore help on this topic feel free to message me privately

The problem is that my checkpoint is a part, and it being a model will probably break it but I will try!

ParticleEmitters work better if you worry about it breaking.

That’s what I’m working on, I just am really bad at scripting :sob:

What do you mean by breaking it, just ad a invisible part ontop of ur checkpoint u dont need to touch the checkpoint

This is the model right now:


local Confetti1 = script.Parent.Confetti1.Explosion -- Finds ParticleEmitter1
local Confetti2 = script.Parent.Confetti2.Explosion -- Finds ParticleEmitter2
local Trigger = script.Parent.TriggerPart -- Finds the part that triggers the confetti
Confetti1.Enabled = false -- Makes sure the particles arent enabled by default
Confetti2.Enabled = false

Trigger.Touched:Connect(function(trigger) -- This will make that when a player touches the Triggerpart a function will get triggered
	if trigger.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- Makes sure that whoever touches it is a player
		Confetti1:Emit(1) -- Emits the particles 

It might be wrong.

rename the part to confetti1 and confetti2, and add a triggerpart.

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Right, so like this:


Yes when u touch the triggerpart it will emit particles.

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Okay, it isn’t working.

I just touched the part and it shows nothing.

This is so confusing, I don’t know how to script lol

THe particlemitters arent called Explosion

It isn’t working, I am a terrible scripter so sorry!

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