[CLOSED] Help with crawling system

I have a sprinting system, and as well as a crouching system. The sprinting system works, as well as the crouching system. But what bugs me is the animation, it is messed up and I would need a little help with it. I have two animations one for Idle, one for Moving. While you are idle and press the crawl button ā€œCā€ the script will work perfectly when you walk it will play the walking animation, when you are idle it will play the idle animation. But what is the bug? The bug occurs when you are walking and press the crawl button ā€œCā€ then the game just plays the idle animation and it will until you stop walking, then everything will go back to normal. (These animations are just starter animations, I will make new better ones!)

Here is a video of what is happening: Video

Here is the block of code:

local char = player.Character
local humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local animator = humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")

local crawling = false
local defaultSpeed = 16
local crawlingSpeed = 10
local crawlKey = Enum.KeyCode.C
local animI = Instance.new("Animation")
animI.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://14166499405"
local animW = Instance.new("Animation")
animW.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://14167146354"
local animationI = animator:LoadAnimation(animI)
local animationW = animator:LoadAnimation(animW)

local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local sprinting = false

uis.InputBegan:Connect(function(keyCode, _gameProcessed)
	if not _gameProcessed then
		if keyCode.KeyCode == crawlKey then
			if not sprinting then
				crawling = true
				humanoid.WalkSpeed = crawlingSpeed
					if crawling then
						if movementSpeed > 0 then
							if not animationW.IsPlaying then
							if animationW.IsPlaying then
				crawling = false
				humanoid.WalkSpeed = defaultSpeed

The sprinting and crawling script are 2 in 1 script, that part is the crawl part. If anyone has an idea of how my bug can be fixed, please post it here. Thank you so much, have a great day!

Before playing the idle animation check if the Humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude is greater than 0 i.e the player is Moving.

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No problem! Glad that your issue has been resolved. Have fun developing!

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Another way you could do this is:

humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
humanoid.WalkSpeed = crawlingSpeed

Thats how I do it in mine

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