[CLOSED] Hiring a builder to build a modern, realistic school

This is my first time posting in this category so please notify me if I’ve made a mistake or missed something :slight_smile:

About Us

Hi there! We are Nower Hill High School, an upcoming ro-school which aims to be the most realistic school on the platform. We’re looking for a builder who is willing to join our team and work with us on our new campus (if they want to work with us on projects thereafter as opposed to just this new school, that is welcomed and can be discussed).

The Team
@HubertJGebb - Headteacher / GFX
@K_ieraH - Scripter
@you - Builder

About The Job

We are looking for an experienced builder to build the exterior and interior of our school. We are also looking for the classrooms to be similar to those in the real life school, but the exterior of the school should be different (due to the real school’s complexity and lack of images) The school should be modern and dynamic, whilst also offering functionality like offices and other minor rooms such as an IT office etc. We’ll also need different classrooms for different subjects such as Design & Technology and Computer Science. The school could be all one block or split into more than one block with more floors - up to you. We’re also looking to make it accessible to players with all different types of PCs so we ask that it’s as lag free as possible (part count not too high).

More specifically, we will need the following:

SPECIALISED CLASSROOMS - Requires additional stuff as listed

9x Science (3x Chemistry, 3x Biology, 3x Physics) - Requires gas taps, stools instead of chairs.
2x Art - Requires painting holders, paintbrushes and other art stuff.
2x Computing / ICT - Requires computers.
2x Drama Studios - Requires wooden flooring, curtains and small ceiling lights.
2x Music - Requires keyboards on tables
2x Resistant Materials (Woodwork) - Requires circular saws, pillar drills, specialised tables with vices and other woodworking tools
2x Textiles - Requires sewing machines
2x Food Technology - Requires cookers, ovens, kitchen stuff.

GENERAL CLASSROOMS - No extra stuff, very similar standard classrooms with tables, chairs, teacher’s desk, whiteboard, smart board, but some with different table layouts to one another

8x English
8x Maths
2x History
2x Geography
2x Religious Education (PRE)
2x Citizenship
2x Business Studies


1x Gym (see picture)
1x Hall (see picture)
1x Canteen (see picture)
1x Sixth Form Common Room (a space for year 12s where they learn with laptops etc. should include couches, tables and seem comfy (see picture)).

(a team room is a small room for staff of the department, and it should be near the respective classrooms and include coffee makers, files and a few computers)

1x Humanities team room (PRE, Geography, History)
1x Art team room
1x Science team room
1x Computing / ICT team room
1x Music team room
1x Design & Technology team room
1x English team room
1x Maths team room
1x Social and Economic Studies team room (Citizenship, Business Studies)


1x Astro turf field
2x Tennis courts


Dining Centre / Canteen

Sixth Form Common Room



2 English Classrooms, 1 Maths Classroom


Drama Studio

Astro turf / All Weather Field


Our budget is 150 USD and will be payed via PayPal upon completion of the project by the due date. (let me know if this is generally too low). We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve created. The school should be finished by early September.

Contact Us

You must be 13 or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


this is quite a big campus for very little amount of time to be finished, and to be mentioned the quality you are looking for, i highly recommend not just hire 1 builder if you aim to finish this in mid august


As said by @madcIips, the time frame given is far too short for a single builder to complete with that amount of pay and that amount of quality requested. The pay is by far a good number for a good quality build completed within say 4 months time but not for this.

You should search for a team and offer % and USD pay, extend your budget’s maximum offering, or the obvious one is to extend your deadline.

Overall great post, hope you find who you’re looking for!

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I’m interested. Add me back on Discord.


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the pay is good, but not the time. Even the most productive builders will barely finish it within the time frame. I suggest you hire multiple people for the task.

Thank you for the feedback, appriciate it. The problem with % is that the game won’t generate any Robux or at least not enough to make a difference. It’s a passion project and so most of the revenue will be from premium payouts and small gamepasses. I’m also unsure of how the pay would be split between 2 or more builders because we don’t want to spend all our money on builds and put the quality of scripting and other areas in contempt as a result. I wouldn’t want to extend the period to 4 months, because that would take us to the end of the year and we’re planning on launching this September 5th. However, I have changed the due date to September 2nd and increased pay to 150 USD in an effort to increase interest :smile:

And this is an example of a school exterior - it’s not overly complicated, but still functional and modern.

Thank you for the feedback, again. :slight_smile:


Highly interested. I added you on discord, I am very experienced in realistic buildings like this one.

What is your username and discriminator? Apologies, I have over two hundred.

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