(CLOSED) Hiring A Builder

We Are Hiring Builders!

We Are Looking For A Builder Than Can Make The Scenery On My Game Look Really Nice

Lead Developer/Owner : @Hunterjojo00
Lead Scripter: @MTZN_FRAGS
Builder: @mariogento
2nd Builder @Abhay216
3rd builder: @VyomSand
!Payment! You Will Be Payed Once We Release The Game And Start Making Revenue.
(Job) Build A Nice Spawn,Make The Scenery Look Very Nice.

IF you make a nice spawn and nice scenery you will be rewarded 200R$ once we have the money!


I’m not interested in being hired, but I would recommended some sort of starting payment. It would help developers put more trust in you, and would attract more people.

I also recommend adding more detail on the job, most people will not investigate further with this little amount of information.

ok, thanks for dropping by and letting me know!

I mean i am interested but I need to know what type of scenery it is.

I Want the scenery to look nice with water ponds around the baseplates I set up and background

What if you never get the money? It seems to me you don’t even have the funds to advertise it, is that true?

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i Have some money to pay them @Play_MazeOfHeck

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