{closed} Hiring a clothing designer for my group

About The Job

I am looking for a Clothing Designer for my group.
It’s a Chaos Insurgency group (SCPF) and we’re currently looking for uniforms for the group.
This will be a 1 time job.
How I want them to look:
I want it to be a military/Sci-Fi pants and shirt. It has to have like a cape on the shoulder, a communications radio on like the back or front, greenish military type (camoflauge shit), a clock, shoulder pads or the things, and like a chestplate kinda. If you want I can send you some other clothes on roblox that i want to be similar with (not copying or stealing it).


I will be paying about 400 robux negotiable for a uniform. This will maybe be in group funds, we have 1k pending right now otherwise i’ll cover tax on a t shirt or gamepass.

Contact Me

You can contact me on discord: Emk#5663
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile: